Tuesday, November 19, 2013

MTC Week 2

So, about my week!

PALM TREES! Sorry, I love them and theyre awesome, and theyre everywhere. Should have wrote that last week, but I figure its better late than never, right?

This week was really good. My companion and I got our first investigator to commit to baptism! His name is Josue, and it was such a great experience. Oh, and before you get too excited, hes a fake investigator. Hes actually teaching us now, and his real name is Hermano (Brother) Tapia. Hes a really great guy, and we all love him a lot! My district is getting along really well. We're just like a big family, and Im loving it. We are all really close, and even spend our gym time together now, playing games like volleyball or soccer. They have a sand court here, and we love to play in that! Its the only time we get to take off our shoes, and the sand feels so great on our feet! 
My spanish is coming along really really well. The Lord has really blessed me, and Im at the top of my class with Elder Corry. (The kid in the picture from last week.) After we got our new investigators, and taught them, my companion and I went back to the classroom to find another teacher talking with our class. They were all joking and having a great time, and we joined in and couldnt stop laughing! He talked to me in spanish for awhile, and told me that I should be in a Latino district, and he would see what he could do to move me to one (shortening my stay to 4 weeks). 20 minutes, and a whole lot of spanish I didnt know I knew later, he grudgingly let me stay in my district. Ive never been so scared in my life! 

The food here is just fine. I like it still, and Im making sure to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. I havent had any issues with my stomach yet, which is super great! On Sunday my district had a testimony meeting where we all bore our testimonies. The Spirit was so strong there, and I loved being a part of it! We got to know each other so much better, and it really made us even closer. Its gonna be hard to leave them after the end of this. Theyre all my brothers and sisters. I spend on average, 16 hours a day with them. My companion, and one other companionship are all going to Concepcion, but thats it. 8 of these wonderful children of our Heavenly Father are going elsewhere to spread the gospel, and Im going to miss them so much! Gotta treasure every single moment with them, its going to go by so quickly. 

Well, thats just about it for my week! Its been pretty boring/standard here, but Ill keep you guys posted when the cool stuff happens ;) Oh! And I can only check my email once a week, on Tuesdays. Hope that clears things up for you guys!

Love you!

Love, your missionary,

Elder Bennett

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Elder Bennett

      We started teaching our first investigator. Well, fake investigator, but its still been awesome. We got him to commit to praying, attending church, and quitting drinking alcohol. Pretty successful so far!
      My companion Elder Bird is seriously great. Hes a nice guy, and Im getting along really well with him!
      Ive also started my classes, and am picking up the spanish language well! I cant say its because of me, the Lord is really helping me out with it. I've learned way more here in just a few days than I ever did during school! The gospel is also something I'm studying (shocking, I know) and thats coming along really well! I'm loving every minute I'm here learning.
      The MTC food is great. Well, not as good as your food, but beggars cant be choosers! I haven't gotten sick, and drowning everything in hotsauce works well, so the taste is great too! 

I miss you guys! Love you a lot, and think of you every day! 

Love, your missionary,

Elder Bennett


This is me and a good friend of mine from our district. His name is Elder Corry and he's a total goofball, so we get along well.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


    My companion just arrived late last night. His name is Elder Bird, and hes from Idaho.  Hes 21, so thats interesting. He seems like a nice guy and we are getting along well! Ive gotten everything all settled into my dorm, unpacked my one suitcase and have the other one locked up in my closet. Elder Logan I dont think Ive talked to at all, at least I dont remember one.  And Elder Bortolio is one of the guys I get along with best, we talked a lot while we were waiting in lines at the airport.
      There have been so many cool things Ive seen already, Mexico is amazing! Its really different than America (surprise surprise). But I think Im going to love it here.
       I wrote in my journal last night, and Ive been finding those notes from you guys just about everywhere. I really love them :) My p-day is on Tuesdays, so this will be the last time I write twice in one week. And I ate some of the snacks, though most of them are still sitting in my dorm, Ill munch on them as I go here :)  And it was crazy at Dallas, customs and stuff took forever. And they kept giving us spanish paperwork to fill out, because they ran out of English. Talk about immersion, right? Anyways, Im really happy here and hope that everything is going well at home! Im excited to hear all about whats happening while Im away!

Love, your missionary,

Elder Bennett

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hey guys, Im here!

      I just arrived at the Mexico MTC. The flights were really good, and I wound up sleeping for most of them. Ive met a lot of other missionaries who are going to my same mission, which is really cool! Im dying for a shower though, and cant figure out where most of the punctuation is on these Spanish keyboards. I love you guys a lot, and miss you already. Tell the little boys I say hi and that I love them! Give Jack an ear scratch from me.
Love, your missionary,
Elder Gavin H. Bennett